March 15, 2024 | Posted in Church News, OAKNOTES Newsletters

Dear Friends,

Author Garrison Keillor is best known for his Lake Wobegon tales. They are a pleasant exercise in nostalgia. On one occasion Keillor recalled his childhood Thanksgiving dinners, as the family gathered around the table and remembered the blessings of the past year. Uncle John usually gave the prayer, which caused everyone to squirm. As Keillor said, “Everybody in the family knew that Uncle John couldn’t pray without talking about the cross and crying … Sure enough, Uncle John prayed, talked about the cross, and cried …” Then Keillor adds these memorable words: ‘’All of us knew that Jesus died on the cross for us, but Uncle John had never gotten over it.”

Read the rest of Pastor Tim’s thought-provoking letter/invitation and the rest of the Mar. 2024 OAKNOTES.

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